Weljii's health and wellness coaching program has helped me realize the significance of adopting a holistic approach to wellness and a broadened horizon of health. It helped me find time for myself and concentrate on improving my well-being through the right set of practices and habits and focusing on my loved ones. It has helped and guided me to improve myself as a human being and also make the people around me aware of the various dimensions of wellness and successfully work towards enhancing the spiritual, social and other important dimensions of wellness.
It would be hard for me to choose a single life experience that guided my decision of choosing a health and wellness certification program. There have been a number of life events that became the reason I chose Weljii's health and wellness coaching program. From a very young age, I have observed a certain negligence and disregard for the aspect of health and wellness in my family. This ultimately led to a myriad of diseases and illnesses being diagnosed in my family. In addition to this, my observation of work-related stress on a consistent rise and people being perpetually pressurized related to work having a toll on their health guided my decision of choosing a health and wellness coaching program.
In my opinion, Weljii's health and wellness coaching program has become a present-day need with people being perpetually busy with their work-life and schedules. The inability to find time for oneself and work each day towards improving one's health and wellness has become a major reason for an increased number of illnesses and consistently lowering the quality of wellness. To work on one's health and wellness each day by taking the smallest of steps and considering a holistic approach to health and wellness has become of utmost importance. Health and wellness coaching programs like Weljii help identify, understand and adopt a holistic approach towards health and wellness. It also helps motivate an individual to improve at every single step of life.
The health and wellness program by Weljii being a present-day need has helped me realize the importance of being aware of the various important aspects of wellness, its implementation, and most importantly, making the people around us, in fact, the society as a whole about taking into consideration a holistic approach to wellness in everyday life routine.
"I sincerely thank Weljii for introducing a health and wellness coaching program that has helped me bring about the righteous and sustainable changes in lifestyle that has helped me improve myself and the people around me to become the better version of themselves."