

    “ I am committed to the philosophy of self care as a way to empower individuals and communities to live life as a 'creative event' full of potential and hope. ”


    Preeti Rao

    Founder and CEO


    Preeti Rao is Founder & CEO, Weljii and the core Faculty at the Weljii Institute. Weljii is the recipient of 50 Best Wellness Companies – Global Listing – award by the World Health and Wellness Congress. She holds a Masters degree in International Business and a Masters in Integrative Health Studies with specialization in Wellness Management and Health and Wellness Coaching. She is Asia’s only NBHWC, USA Mentor Coach and NWI, USA International Committee Member recognizing her a global wellness leader.

    Preeti Rao’s vision is to facilitate sustainable lifestyle behavioral changes that lead to better health outcomes and wellbeing. Preeti’s career path spanning a decade in executive management roles across several countries has provided her an understanding of the global health care system crisis and the importance of preventive strategies in health promotion.

    Her mission is to make a difference in people’s lives by eradicating the root cause of disease and reduce the chances of it recurring by making lifestyle behavioral changes that last a lifetime. She is committed to the philosophy of self-care as way to empower individuals and communities to live life as a “creative event”, full of potential and hope.

    In her spare time, you would see her spending every precious moment with her son, husband and family. Her personal fitness routine includes, yoga, dancing, playing with her son and cleaning her home.


    Preeti Rao, Founder, Weljii Awarded

    "Women Transforming India" by Niti Aayog, Govt of India for her exemplary contributions in health and wellness


    "Health and Wellness Coaching is the need of the hour today. As India faces the impact of a growing economy and rapidly growing urban centres, the shift in lifestyles has resulted in greater stress on our health balance. ”

    Her previous professional work at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, AtenaWellness Coaching Program, and Charlotte Maxwell Complimentary Clinic in California, USA and Max Multi Speciality Hospital has exposed her to integrative medicine clinical practice and increased her confidence in the efficacy of integrating conventional (allopathic) medicine with Health and Wellness Coaching. In the past, Preeti has also been associated with Reebok India as their Fitness Brand Ambassador, India. She is a qualified personal trainer by AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America), US and is also a certified yoga teacher by the Sivananda School of Yoga, Trivandrum, Kerala.

    Preeti Rao’s extensive background in health and wellness allows her to inspire Weljii Certified Health and Wellness Coaches to continue their work of transforming lives with improved wellbeing and health outcomes. The Weljii Coach team is the best the country has in terms of their international credentials and industry experience.

    Her authored articles have been published in Indian Today Woman, Mint, Indian Express, Business Standard, The Hindu, Business Standard, Afternoon DC, FWD Life Magazine, Asia Spa to name a few.


    Evan Kavanagh

    Ms. Rao is an experienced, creative, and talented entrepreneur with international experience in wellness and health in both western and traditional modalities. She is a keen businesswoman with a heart aimed at healing. I know she will work great success!

    Narendra Babu

    Thank you, both Preeti Rao and Dr. Meg Jordan of your for bringing in this awesome program to us. This is really a transformational program for me. I have now realized what I would want to do in my life. This is just the beginning and the best is yet to come. I want to be associated with you on the advanced courses and also my ICHWC certification.


    Aging is natural and with age a big problem is the Metabolism… One would not believe I was a skinny Kid… But, as one matures or has grey hair, human body shows its true shape… As a food blogger/reviewer or whatever one may term as, I taste food and then curate them on what is lacking in menu of restaurants. And as every profession has some hazard… That’s true with this profession.. gaining weight/lower metabolism rate leading to obesity and many other related diseases … I was aware of my situation so before it got out my hand, I visited Preeti for consultations. I recently attended a weight loss workshop Preeti conducted, and she made me realise that how we do not understand Health… Her wellness and health session made me aware how every thing including craving means some thing about Health , how we need to be connected to our own self as well as to our environment. The session was beneficial to me and I am in the process of losing weight… Under her guidance, I am looking towards improving my metabolism and make sure that am rejuvenated mentally, emotionally and physically”

    Aarti Ahuja

    Dear Preeti, I am deeply thankful to you for choosing me to a part of the course. As I have been interacting with you in the last 4 days a true sense of meaning has come along amongst the meaning of being a human I request you humbly to be my guide & mentor both personally and progressively. My deep understanding in last four years has brought me to this realization. In a Long time of establishing myself, I am realizing for the mentor & guide your spiritual energy vibes with my inner seeing. I have been working to get a clarity on life and your deep sense of positive regards towards me has enhanced by a belief of human being.
    Please consider my request as it will be a life-changing blessing for me. Let us have a conversation regarding this when you have time over the next few days.

    Atreyi Goswami

    Preeti is fun to listen to, and I think that’s why what she says registers more than usual. She motivates you to work towards feeling better, her knowledge comes as an inspiration. Her positivity is exuded in her expressions and she would invariably make you believe in yourself. In the weight loss workshop that I attended, she amazed all of us by telling us about how different factors affect us, and not only what we eat and how much. I would recommend anyone and everyone to speak to her to learn how simple it is to stay fit, all it needs is for you to be willing

    Bhavita Singh

    Well what a day !!! Hey I am a certified wellness coach from California Institute of Integral Studies .when passing criteria is high you doubt ….but hardwork paid off …..With more than 75 percent of people suffering from lifestyle diseases I believed this was the need of the hour .Being fit and healthy has always been a challenge for me bad genes ,obesity, weak bones, anemia have suffered all …..But all this have always strived me to gain deeper knowledge about health and nutrition .I am glad that have ove ftrcome my health challenges and am happy with my health status today and this course was surely an eye opener ..Thank you Preeti Rao ma’am for all the support you are my role model . Guys if fitness is your passion you should surely pursue this course.

    Ankush Johar

    Preeti embodies wellness in all realms of her life – physical, emotional and spiritual. She has had a phenomenal life journey so far and coaches her clients to live a life that is wholesome and meaningful. She is a mentor to many. I am excited to hear about Wellnessjiva LLP, a venture I truly believe will be of international standard in offering health and wellness services or education. You can be rest assured of that she will thrive for perfection.

    Narayan Tatuskar

    Preeti is an exceptional speaker. She was invited at several Bhavsar Samaj events to inspire and guide the youth. She gave great examples from her life journey that evoked a process of introspection and sparked passion amongst our young members to follow their life dream. I will highly recommend her as a coach, mentor, wellness guru and a speaker. She is highly versatile in her offering to say the least. I know she will work great success at Wellnessjiva LLP.

    K.G. Rao

    Preeti has worked for me at Orcas International. She has a great understanding of nutrition and the importance of supplementation. At Orcas, her attention to detail while handling clients and her enthusiasm to do good for others was endearing. I will highly recommend her and vouch for 100% satisfaction for the services she offers.

    Deepak Bhari

    I have known Preeti personally for many years and admire her never say die attitude. She has taken on many challenges in adverse situations and come out on top. Her interest in all forms of fitness and health is remarkable. From working in Reebok to learning Ayurveda in Kerala to studying holistic health & wellbeing in California – Preeti has learned it all. I wish her good luck in her ventures.

    Air Marshal (Dr.)

    Preeti is a very passionate professional. Her knowledge, attention to detail and her ability to articulate bring out the best in any participant in her sessions. Her program will add substantial value in the field of health and wellness.

    Clemens Dannheim

    Preeti is highly committed and reliable. Full of good ideas. She is always thinking positive and creating positive spirits.

    John E. Gularson

    “Preeti is very intelligent and extremely motivated. She each times gets off to a very quick start, impressing all those around her.

    Jorge Bernal García

    Preeti is an excellent partner to work with in many aspects. She has great attention to detail and at the same time is creative and innovative. You can absolutely rely on her quality of work; she always gets the focus but without forgiving the human relationship. She is always there when you need her help.

    Valeri Dutchak

    I am very delighted in recommending Preeti as a strong professional with deep understanding. Her abilities grasping specifics of other countries and being flexible or firm whenever required make her excellent business partner with true global potential.

    Mahalakshmi Boyana

    Thanking Preeti and Meg Jordan here for putting together a great institute thereby ushering in a new era of coaching in India. It was a pleasure having you as a mentor, teacher and guide and your friendly demeanor truly helped us build a beautiful rapport that I am sure will last a lifetime. Thanks for being patient with our flaws, imperfections, naivety and yet giving honest feedback (without making us feel bad) for improvisations. Those memories and learning will stay afresh for us!

    S K Chawla
    Retd. Director General

    It was a great delight to receive a one on one Health & Wellness Coaching session with Ms Preeti Rao. I am most willing to put to practice, the realizations & revelations that came out of my Coaching experience. The fact that the job is to be done by sitting on the driver’s seat only, has really developed confidence in me. This has lead to the opening of a new chapter of my personal life experience that is extremely important for my well-being and happiness. I am really looking forward to this new journey.

    Mr. Savyasaachi

    For me it is enriching to modify my diet periodically to keep up with an evolving sense of who I am and what I would like to be.

    There came moment when I felt the need for a conversation with a professional. I was introduced to Ms Preeti Rao.

    My conversations with her have been thought-full. She is patient and listens, asks questions, gives suggestions and draw attention to short term goals achievable within the limits of life circumstances . Each time we meet for a conversations the goal posts are modified. Cumulatively there is progression towards understanding well being.

    This process is oriented towards a reason abled independence from medicines and food supplements.

    Indeed the best health care system is one that each one of us can make for one’s own self.

    Suraj Joseph

    Before reaching you, my colleagues Kanchan and Rachit briefed me saying that “believe us you will come back again here for revisit”, this is something expressed by them in full form with high energy towards you.

    It was running in my mind that few questions will be asked and ten mins of diet guideline saying eat list of things every day you need to follow, but the scenario changed for me when the counseling started and my complete thinking went down and what started was out of the world for me.

    It was best experience sharing my details about the life style of day to day basis which effects our body. Questions were realistic and meaningful and guidance from your side your majestic. The way to approach some one was totally different, to make me understand about changes in life, motivation etc.

    Overall things changed for me when you have given an hour of time which I never thought this will be happening with me,

    Would like to thank you for lovely experience and suggestions given by you to have a better life through so many things, the experience I cannot write in mail and writing mail will be less in words.

    Hope to see you soon and have a great day, here I will say my both colleagues were right with high confidence saying she is the best and you will come back again.

    As Seen On

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    Want to personally coached by Preeti Rao or Want to invite her as a speaker at your event? Contact Now!

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