India has a significant number of smokers. Smoking kills more than 900,000 people in India every year. But the country still has 106 million adult smokers,… more
Oral consumption of tobacco or smoking can be very addictive. A smoking cessation program helps you quit smoking through behavioral change that reduces nicotine addiction. However, smoking cessation is not an easy task as the long-term dependency on smoking often makes withdrawal difficult.
Apart from the addictive dependency on tobacco there are numerous health hazards associated with smoking. Giving up smoking can drastically alter your life and health, reducing the risk of lung and heart diseases, improving reproductive health, and minimizing the risk of cancers. Smoking cessation also helps people around you, protecting them from passive smoking – wherein people inhale the smoke you exhale and develop smoking related health problems without actively smoking themselves.
There are other health and lifestyle benefits which happen when you quit smoking as well, such as,
Smoking makes your skin look older, wrinkly, and leathery. People who smoke get skin wrinkles much earlier in life compared to those who do not. For better, healthier skin, join a smoking cessation program and do away with this unhealthy habit.
All smokers have a peculiar smokey smell associated with them, which emanates from their room, car, clothes, hands, and mouth. Since smoking also dulls your sense of smell and taste, most smokers do not realize that they smell. It may be one reason why people avoid your company. Quit smoking to get rid of the smell.
As mentioned above, non-smokers tend to avoid people who smoke a lot. Even family members may start avoiding close contact with compulsive smokers. This might be one reason holding you back in personal and professional life. Moreover, it may affect your mental wellbeing, causing social withdrawal and social anxiety. Quit smoking to get back on good terms with your friends, family, and colleagues.
Smoking affects your stamina. Physical activities like running, working out, climbing stairs, or something as simple as walking can become tedious over time. Quitting will infuse new energy in your system, restore your immunity, and help you overcome many lifestyle disorders related to smoking.
Why waste money on something that makes you dull, dependent and leads to bad health. It doesn’t matter if you smoke a couple of cigarettes a day or smoke a whole pack or more, the savings in the long run can be significant. Cigarettes and tobacco products are only going to get more expensive in the future, so quit as soon as you can to save your health and wealth.
Quitting smoking is a difficult thing to do because of nicotine dependency. While smoking, nicotine affects your heart, blood vessels, brain, and hormones. The absence of nicotine will cause certain physical and mental changes that may not be easy to fight. Sometimes withdrawal symptoms are so strong that people lapse back to smoking. Smokers willing to quit might have to go through this number of times before eventually quitting. The symptoms may include:
The first sign or withdrawal symptom that affects you when you quit smoking is the urge for nicotine consumption. The first of these cravings can happen as soon as 30 minutes after you resolve to quit. The first few days after quitting are crucial for the success of any smoking cessation plan, as you must be willing enough to not to give in when nicotine cravings strike.
Nicotine in tobacco smoke affects the neurotransmitters in the brain which reduces appetite. Once you quit smoking, nicotine is no longer interfering with your hunger. In turn, it will make you want to eat more. In some cases, people try to replace smoking with eating which can cause weight management issues if you are not careful.
Another major withdrawal symptom for tobacco smokers is the feeling of dizziness or light headedness. In some cases it might be unnoticeable and very mild but in others you may need proper diet, medication, and rest for recovery.
Lack of nicotine in body will affect the intestines as well. After you quit smoking, proper movement of intestines may be affected for some time, causing gas, abdominal pains and constipation.
Most people smoke to get the nicotine kick and buck up. Slowly they start relying on cigarettes to stay alert and active throughout the day. No nicotine, means no kick. This makes people feel exhausted and tired quickly.
Nicotine is like a powerhouse for smokers. Cutting down on it will make them feel restless and incomplete. They will find it uncomfortable and difficult to sleep without smoking, leading to insomnia.
Nicotine can cause build up of mucous in the respiratory tract. Once the nicotine kick is gone, our body's internal system starts clearing up the mucous which can cause dry throat, cough, and runny nose.
If you are planning to quit smoking, you can also employ a health and wellness coach for chalking out a smoking cessation plan. Health and wellness coaches account for your personal and behavioral needs when creating lifestyle modification plans that help achieve your personal goals, for instance, smoking cessation. Here is how a health and wellness coach will help you quit smoking permanently,
A health and wellness coach helps patients stick to their cessation plan and avoid fall back, which usually happens with self-managed plans. They also provide behavioral coaching without making any judgements or making patients feel ashamed for their addiction. Moreover, the plans are regularly reviewed to see if they are effective and if need be, interim changes are made to avoid drug dependency of any kind or relapse.
India has a significant number of smokers. Smoking kills more than 900,000 people in India every year. But the country still has 106 million adult smokers,… more