Corporate wellness programs are becoming a need of the day. Be it a company looking to add a corporate wellness program to the employee benefits plan, or enhance an existing program, here are some of the prominent features of a corporate wellness program that facilitates significant improvements for an organization on a very foundational level. The organizations and the corporate sector are made of people and are essentially driven by their progress on a personal level. Factors like a lost sense of belonging and motivation can lead to a fall in productivity of the employees, leading to an overall decline in how an organization is operating on a larger level and the results it is generating. Other than the ongoing or previous chronic medical conditions like cardiovascular issues and diabetes, factors like excessive stress and anxiety are roadblocks in the way to optimum corporate wellness.
Transforming from reactive to predictive and proactive care backed by holistic wellness solutions
It has become of utmost importance to transform from reactive care and risk identification and move towards proactive care solutions that stratify the individuals at risk based on the known algorithms and ensure that the right preventive action is taken to take the right steps, powered by the right decision-making, prior to further progression of a disease. One of the main areas of focus for proactive and preventive healthcare is the stratification of individuals based on key risk factors for chronic disease. However, it is important to understand that each of these risk factors is modifiable and behavioral changes or modifications can help reduce the risk factors and reduce a chronic disease onset or slow down its progression. This highlights the various dimensions of wellness and the significance of practicing them in a workplace environment, including the importance to take care of one’s body even in a workplace environment and taking steps on an individualistic basis to achieve so (physical dimension).
Responding to the intellectual challenges of a workplace positively and optimistically empowers corporate wellness (Intellectual dimension). Understanding and respecting the values, attitudes, and feelings of the colleagues in a corporate environment (Emotional dimension). Maintaining healthy and optimistic relationships is key to corporate wellness (social dimension) and finding value and purpose in an individual’s role as part of a corporation is also important. Happier and stress-free individuals are less susceptible to ailments, be it a simple cough and cold or a cardiovascular disorder. Healthier employees at a workplace may also increase attendance, improve productivity and reduce absenteeism.
Empowering behavioral change to embrace proactive healthcare
Prioritizing disease prevention and evaluating the root cause of disease rather than just simply acting to neutralize disease symptoms and find solutions for the same is what health and wellness is really about. Shifting to root cause analysis and a disease prevention paradigm requires a holistic approach, involving the participation of health and wellness coaches and individuals incorporating behavioral and dietary changes even as part of their professional or corporate lives. Most times, we approach health via a symptomatic and treatment oriented approach but miss out on a proactive approach that ensures a well-maintained health.
A number of wellness initiatives must be thought-of and implemented for better engagement, participation, and productivity. It is absolutely essential to educate and rightfully engage employees to commit to an improved and healthier lifestyle.
About Weljii
Weljii is the recipient of 50 Best Wellness Company award – Global listing – for innovation in healthcare and a client-centred model. Weljii’s Health and Wellness coach training expands the ecosystem of wellness and care empowering the communities with trained Health & Wellness Coaches, Life Coaches and Nutrition Coaches. The coaches in turn empower Corporate and Individual clients, helping them discover a unique path towards personal wellbeing. The client interactions are supported through a research-based methodology and empowered by coaching dialogue to tap within themselves for internal strength and be able to identify external resources. Learn more at welji.com