If you are a smoker or a tobacco user, you already must be aware that you must quit; you are just not sure about the best ways to quit smoking. Perhaps, you have made efforts to quit smoking in the past, but you could not sustain the change. It is important to know that irrespective of your age, creating a quit-smoking plan may improve your chances of stopping for good. A quick quit smoking guide is essential to set the right expectations, find the right support and most importantly, identify the best ways to stop smoking and stay motivated with the right coping skills.
Jot down your reasons for quitting smoking
If you are looking to quit smoking, remember you are the only one who can singularly decide on the time when you are ready to quit smoking. Therefore, it is important to be clear on being aware of the reasons that are guiding this decision and things that will motivate you to quit. Making a list is the foundation of support for you to quit smoking. The potential reasons that you can jot down be:
- Improving your overall health and wellness and the way that you feel on a routine basis.
- Lowering the risk of ailments in the future.
Choose a quit day
Pick out a specific day when you decide to quit smoking and work towards it each day. Remember to give yourself some time and that the smallest of efforts matter. Pick a date in the upcoming month, give yourself time to prepare and mark the date.
Start preparing for your quit day
Bringing about a behavioural change accompanied with medical treatments (in cases of high addiction) improve the chances of a successful quitting as stated by an evidence- based research.
Successful interventions take planning and time. The preparations can include the following;
- Being aware of the most common factors that trigger your smoking or your smoking routine habits is important. Ask yourself questions and identify common patterns. Do you smoke more when stressed? Do you regularly smoke after a meal? This will help determine when and where support is most likely needed.
- Let your close ones know about your quit day. Let the family and friends be your allies. This helps with moral support and planning your day in a rather healthy way that helps you take your mind off of smoking and mood changes.
- Reflect upon your previous attempts to quit smoking. Think about and identify the challenges that were faced by you back then. Also, plan on what you can do differently this time.
Getting through the quitting process
Getting through the process of successfully quitting smoking can be both physically and emotionally challenging for some people. However, remind yourself of the reason that you listed down when you decided on quitting smoking, stay hydrated, eat a healthy diet, keep physically active, and avoid situations that trigger a mood change or a behavioural change to smoke again.
With Weljii’s health and wellness coaching program, identify the best ways to quit smoking, seek the right guidance and help bring about a positive behavioural change while efficiently and sustainably moving towards healthier habits for optimum wellness.