I know … I know… all titles these days sound similar with 3 things to do, 5 steps to consider and …. you know…so on and so forth.
But as a woman who has recently embarked on the journey to motherhood, I can say with experience that these 3 things really helped me where I am today… a contented woman who is loved and cherished and so ready to be a mother.
1) Marry the one: Sounds easy but requires deep soul-searching . Know yourself, truly, madly , deeply. Understand who you truly are as a person, spend time nurturing yourself into a good human being. Only a good human being attracts another to itself.Don’t ever rush and get married due to societal pressures. It’s only when we delve deep into ourself and take the time to do so ,only then we know what works for us and what doesn’t. In a fast track world, we want to meet the perfect man / woman without doing any work on ourselves. Trust me on this one, know yourself first before you start exploring another person as a lifetime partner. And just when you have done enough work on yourself, you will meet the one who shall love, protect, provide and cherish you for life. You will attract someone who has all the qualities you embody and had hoped for in a partner. When you meet that person, you will know, you will feel it in your gut… all the way deep within and you will make the right choice.
2) Be fit and healthy: We all know this one and yet most of us neglect ourselves. Most of the times, it’s the short-term , instant gratification of having a smoke, a drink or overindulging in junk food gets in our way of being healthy. A balancing act is a must. Bring moderation and discipline in our lifestyle. Eat at least 4-5 different fruits and vegetables in a day. Exercise at least 3-5 times a week. Pregnancy will put demands on your body that you never imagined. Get ready for it and prepare yourself for it in advance. I took my workout regime to the next level before I planned to conceive. Ate mostly organic and natural fruits and vegetable. Choose the right oils to cook in and met doctors in advance to seek advice. If this is the lifestyle you’ve always had, then bingo, you shall conceive in no time. My healthy active lifestyle of 20 years helped me greatly in conceiving at an age of 37 with ease. Many woman today struggle with PCOD due to poor lifestyles and then have to bear the stress and turmoil of undergoing stressful pregnancy treatments. Poor lifestyle choices have also resulted in poor quality of sperm from men. The combination of the two makes it hard to conceive.
3) Surround yourself with support: If you think you are going to do this alone, married or not, think again and think hard. We all usually think we only need added support when the baby is here but think again on this one. Whether it is when you first discover you are pregnant or when you experience the first bout of nausea, it will be great to have friends that can you share what you are going through, a partner who understands you or a family who is willing to support you with food and love as you go through the process of creating a miracle in 9 months. They will be times when all you would want to do is sleep in. They will be other times when you might have severe aversion to food and certain smells. And at other times you may crave some kinds of food and feel more emotional/ sensitive than usual. Having a strong support structure and by involving others in your journey by choice will help greatly as you move through the 9 months of pregnancy and beyond.
End of the day, having a baby is one of the most beautiful experiences and make yours count. Experience and stay present in the process of creation. Surround yourself with the love of the man you so deserve, support of the family/friends that will anchor you and be in the best health – physically, emotionally and spiritually – of your life.