This dosha usually gets aggravated in the summer time and hence Pitta persons should focus on a diet that cools, is slightly heavy and a little dry. Foods that are sweet, bitter and astringent are better suited for them and they should avoid sour, salty and pungent tasting foods (for example too much yogurt and sour juices). Slightly spiced cool raw foods, cooked with very little oil help to balance Pitta if out of balance. They should avoid outdoor activities in the afternoons when the heat from the sun is the strongest and try to not get angry and irritable – usually when things don’t happen their way since their slogan is ‘ Do it my way or the highway!’.
The following is what a Pitta persons needs to avoid from their diet:
Fruit: Grapefruit
Vegetable: Avocados, Chilies, Onions (Raw), Tomatoes
Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Pecans, Walnuts
Dairy: Buttermilk, Ice Cream, Sour Cream, Yogurt
Animal Products: Beef, Eggs, Lamb, Pork, Shellfish
Spices: Asafetida (Hing), Black Pepper, Cloves, Fenugreek, Garlic, Ginger, Mustard, Salt
Sweeteners: White Sugar
Oils: Almond, Peanut, Sesame
I believe that the evidence based and science based Integrated approach will help pitta predominant person to identify the food choices which is suitable for them. In health and wellness coaching we consider every person as a unique individual and by taking into consideration their specific requirements and how they perceive their body and foods to be we co-create an entire roadmap that leads them to their personal health and wellness goal.
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