Pregnancy is one of the most joyous occasions in a woman’s life.
A planned healthy pregnancy is the most awaited life event that most women look forward to. First time would – be mothers, especially, have a lot of dilemmas, questions and a whole lot of worries about pregnancy and its healthy outcome.
Firstly, let us talk about you, yes, they would be mom. It is very imperative to first talk about the health status of the would – be mother because a healthy mother has an increased likelihood of a healthy pregnancy and outcome.
A lot of statistics point out the need to improve women’s health status.53% of Indian women in the reproductive age group have been found to be anaemic (NFHS 2015 – 16).A recent survey by In Body- Ipsos (2018) reveals that 86% of urban Indian women are overweight, 95% have high levels of body fat and 75% have high levels of visceral fat in addition to poor muscle strength.
These are not the health parameters that can support a healthy pregnancy; in fact it can create problems in conceiving, gestational diabetes, detrimental effects in the foetus, poor maternal and infant health.
A healthy woman is the foundation to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. The statistics point out that there is an urgent need to improve the health status of women, so that we can ensure a healthier pregnancy for her.
The Weljii Healthy Pregnancy Programme can help you change your present course of lifestyle in a manner that is uniquely yours so that you can enjoy the best possible pregnancy outcomes.
From pre pregnancy health status, healthy diet, active lifestyle, emotional and mental wellbeing to post delivery sleep management, whatever may be your goal, your Weljii Coach will be there to co – create your action plan, empower you to seek and apply the knowledge and skills relevant for you in this journey and overcome challenges and obstacles as they arise.