Fitness is far more than simply exercising on a consistent basis. Fitness has a variety of components and there are many ways it can be measured. With a solid understanding of this topic, individuals can address those aspects of their life that directly impact fitness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), physical fitness is defined as ‘the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time pursuits and respond to emergencies.’ In order to complete all of these tasks, one must consistently address their fitness levels. This requires proper conditioning through both structured exercise and leisurely activities.
Health and wellness coaching will facilitate you to create a roadmap that is self-directive driven by intrinsic motivation to make lifestyle behavioral changes so that you can have a better quality of life. With help of your coach, find ways on how you can bring movement back into life in a manner that is fun and not a chore. Your coach will help you to create a movement plan that is catered to your personal capacity and create a progression model that is ideal for your growth.
At your Health & Wellness Coaching session you can expect to:
- Get a Personalized Evaluation
- Get a personalized exercise/ movement plan
- Bring focus to personal health and wellness strengths and needs
- Find motivation and get inspired to get moving
- Get a personalized workout plan that is tailor made for your unique requirements
- Brainstorm ideas about wellness goals
- Find your own solutions for health problem[s]
- Set and achieve a goal
- Find the motivation to complete the plan
As India’s only certified international health and wellness coach and consultant with a masters in Integrated Health with extensive international experience , I can help you with:
- Weight Loss
- Weight Gain
- Personalized Nutrition Programs
- Personalized Fitness Programs
- Better quality of life if you are suffering from High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol , Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, Stress
- Nutritional Supplementation
- Mind – Body Balance
To book your appointment today please visit
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