Are You Struggling with Sleep Problem

Frequently asked Question

The amount of sleep you need vary depending on age, individual differences, and overall health. However, here are general recommendations for different age groups:
Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours
Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours
Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours
Preschoolers (3-5 years): 10-13 hours
School-age children (6-13 years): 9-11 hours
Teenagers (14-17 years): 8-10 hours
Adults (18-64 years): 7-9 hours
Older adults (65+ years): 7-8 hours
Even if you are not getting sleep at night, a nap during the day can help you feel less tired. However, napping too close to bedtime or for too long can disturb the sleep-wake cycle and make it more challenging for people with insomnia or problems falling asleep at night. Therefore, it is generally advised to restrict naps or keep them brief (about 20–30 minutes) early in the day if you have difficulties sleeping at night.
Some people are more at risk of trouble sleeping than others. Here is a checklist.
  • Sleep apnea is more common in elderly persons and night terrors in children.
  • Insomnia is more common in women, while sleep apnea is more common in men.
  • Some sleep disorders are inherited, so that family history may raise your risk.
  • Poor sleep hygiene, inconsistent sleep schedules, excessive use of electronic devices before bed, and elevated stress can lead to sleep disorders.
  • Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems, respiratory disorders, and mental health issues can lead to sleep difficulties.
  • Drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can cause sleep difficulties.
The underlying causes of sleeplessness and its types determine the most effective treatment for a sleeping issue. For example, good sleep hygiene can enhance the quality of your sleep by helping you have a regular sleep schedule, establish a pleasant nighttime ritual, and control your stress. In addition, drugs may occasionally be prescribed to treat sleep disturbances.
The support of a health and wellness coach can be helpful for those with sleep difficulties. They can offer direction and assistance to understand the causes of lack of sleep at night, form good living habits, and foster general well-being, which can improve sleep. In addition, through methods like mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and deep breathing exercises, a wellness coach can help people manage their stress.